Local Area Network (LAN)
Designing a Local Area Network requires a thorough understanding of your current system demands and company goals. You don’t just start laying cable. Proper planning will take into account:
- Work stations
- Shared equipment
- Access points
- Specialized hardware
- Security
- Power
- Interference
- Reconfigurable office layouts
- Wall and crawl-space access
- Cabling
- Distance runs
- Obsolescence
We’ll work with you to assess your needs, estimate the materials required, properly forecast for future network infrastructure needs, install and ultimately maintain your Local Area Network.
Not convinced yet?
Even if you think you’ve got it covered, it doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion. Plan properly now so you don’t waste more time, effort and money down the road.
Don’t wait another minute!
Contact us by email or call (888) TECH-840 to discuss installing or upgrading your Local Area Network.